Register for a fully-booked event

If a portal visitor wishes to register for an event that is fully booked, he can still submit his details. The visitor can complete an input form for the course so that you can contact him or her. For example, you can call the visitor if a place becomes available or to schedule him/her in for a subsequent event.

Per course, you can specify whether you want to display an input form if the event is fully booked. Both logged in and anonymous users can leave their details.



Per course, you can specify whether you want to display an input form if the event is fully booked. Both logged in and anonymous users can leave their details.

The input form must be of type Enrol.

Schematic overview:

Out_Inschrijven op vol evenement (10)

If the event is fully booked, an input form will only be shown to the visitor if you have selected both the input form settings 'Show input form to visitor who is not logged on' AND 'Show input form if event is fully booked'. A visitor who is not logged on is only shown the input form for visitors who are not logged on.

This enables you to specify whether a visitor who is not logged on sees the 'No availability' message for an event that is fully booked or whether an input form is displayed.

If you select an input form for 'Display input form to visitor who is not logged on', this is displayed when registering for the event (see flowchart above).

You should be aware that there are also visitors who are not yet logged on, but who are already known and who have log-on credentials. On the input form page you must then clearly state that the visitor can/must log on if/she he is already a customer and has log-on credentials for the portal. For this, you could include a hyperlink to the log-on page.


  • Add a Registration input form

    You need to add an input form so that a visitor to the site can leave his or her details behind. If you also want to allow anonymous visitors to be able to complete an input form, you add two forms.
