Clear parameter changes

When the parameter log becomes too large, you can clear it. This means that the lines contained in the log are deleted up to a specified time.


Any lines that are deleted from the log are no longer available for viewing. A backup of your log history can be created by first exporting the log to Microsoft Excel using the HR / Management / Parameter log / Entry overview function. Of course it also possible to create a backup of your Profit environment.

To clear the parameter log:

  1. Go to: HR / Management / Parameter log / Clear.
  2. Enter the date and time in Delete date to. Profit deletes the entry lines up to the specified date and time.

    The current number of lines is displayed for information.

  3. Click on: Finish.
  4. Check your input and confirm the clearing of your log.

Directly to

  1. Maintain the parameter change log
  2. Activate the parameter log
  3. View parameter changes
  4. Clear parameter changes