Change the processing group configuration to SEPA

You change the configuration of the processing groups for payment via SEPA. This automatically changes the configuration of all employers who are part of the processing group.

To change the processing group configuration:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Configuration / Processing group.
  2. Open the properties of the processing group.
  3. Select the All employers within the processing group are switching to SEPA file format check box.
  4. Enter the file name.


    For example, enter: SEPAsalary.xml

  5. Click on: OK.

    If you give a salary processing the Processed provisionally status, you reprocess it.

See also

Directly to

  1. Configure Payroll payments via SEPA
  2. IBAN number for employees
  3. IBAN number of employers
  4. IBAN number of agencies
  5. Processing groups to SEPA
  6. Change an employer configuration to SEPA