Configure main and sub-employers

In Profit, you can use the functionality for Main and Sub-employers. You can use this functionality, for example if you send on secondment/lend out (part of) the personnel. By designating your own organisation as the main employer and the organisations the employees are sent on secondment to as sub-employers, you create a clear structure for the salary processing and the associated responsibilities.


Working with such a structure yields the following benefits:

  • Insight into the costs per sub-employer
  • Overviews by sub-employer
  • Workload distribution: the sub-employers that have supplied the necessary entries can already be processed, so that the invoice can be sent out.
  • People can really be held responsible for processing the wages for a sub-employer.
  • The salary processing plan is maintained at the main employer level and copied from the main employer to the sub-employers.

If the Main and sub-employers functionality is activated, you can specify for each employer whether it is a main employer or a sub-employer. If an employer is a sub-employer, you then select the employer that is the main employer for this employer.

You can then create a salary processing plan for this main employer. You only maintain this salary processing plan for the main employer, after which the salary processing plan is copied to the underlying sub-employers. For example, if you add a correction period to a salary processing plan for the main employer, then this correction period will apply to all underlying sub-employers. If there are any employers that already had a provisional processing, then this provisional processing is automatically undone. This is because the correction period must first be processed.

Main and sub-employers in the salary processing

You process the salaries for each sub-employer after which you will have provisional overviews for each sub-employer. You can approve the salary processing for each sub-employer.

After the salary processing for the sub-employers has been approved, you process the main employer. For this processing, Profit collects the information for the main employer, including the information for all underlying sub-employers. To be able to approve the period of the main employer, you must first approve the corresponding period lines for all sub-employers.


You can approve a period line for a main employer once all corresponding period lines of all underlying sub-employers have been approved.

After a main employer has been approved, you can retrieve the final overviews for the main employer. These overviews contain the information of the main as well as the sub-employers.

In terms of the wage tax declaration, you can specify at the main employer level whether it must be submitted for each sub-employer or for the main employer only.

Profit generates the year-end work for each main employer. The data for the main as well as the sub-employers is then saved in the year-end file.


Also see