Yearly overview of employer costs

The overview displays the cost per employer for a particular year. Profit determines the costs per employer using the 'Kosten werkgever' calculation basis in the employee salary processing.

In addition to the amounts per employee, on the last page the report also shows the period totals of the employer. This report is only suitable if you are working with a Profit CLA.

To generate a yearly overview of employer costs:

  1. Go to: HR / Output / Payroll report.
  2. Open the report: Annual report employer costs (Profit).
  3. Select the employer.
  4. Click on: Next.
  5. Select the year.
  6. Click on: Next.
  7. Specify whether you want to include RAE entries in the period in which they are paid out or in the period to which they refer.
  8. Click on: Next.
  9. If necessary, select an employee.

    The Annual report of employer costs is an extensive report, so if you use a selection of employees you can save a lot of time.

  10. Click on: Finish.


    You can also print the employer costs on the Wage slip. To do so, you must include the 'Loonkosten werkgever' wage summary in the layout of the pay slip.

Directly to

  1. Payroll financial reporting
  2. View a wage journal entry
  3. View a cumulative wage journal entry
  4. Journal entry analysis
  5. Match a report or analysis with the journal entry analysis
  6. Cost analysis
  7. Match a report or analysis with the cost analysis
  8. Compare the wage declaration and wage journal entry
  9. Checking Payroll suspense account
  10. Yearly overview of employer costs