Save a copy of a wage declaration as a file

You can export the wage declaration by saving a copy of the wage declaration as a file. This does not have any consequences for the data maintained in Profit.

You can save a copy as a file, for example if the 'Pensioenfonds Bakkersbedrijf' asks you to deliver a copy of the wage declaration.

The generated declaration copy is identical to the declaration that was originally sent. This also applies to the message reference, sequence number and date/time.

The file is named as follows:

LA-<employer code>-<'Loonheffingen' number>-<year>-p<declaration period>-v<declaration sequence number>.xml.

For example:


To save a copy of a declaration as a file:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Salary processing cockpit.
  2. Select the period line.
  3. Click on the action: Declaration.
  4. Click on: New.
  5. Select the Save a copy of the declaration locally check box.
  6. Set the file location.
  7. Click on: Next.
  8. Select the period line.
  9. Follow the instructions of the wizard.
  10. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Wage declaration
  2. Configure the exchange with the tax authority
  3. Configure the payment of the ‘Loonheffing’
  4. Check, view, prepare and send a wage declaration
  5. View corrections to a wage declaration
  6. Resubmit a declaration
  7. Correct the 'BSN' and/or the income relationship number in a declaration
  8. Create a new complete or correction declaration
  9. Another 'Loonheffingen' number
  10. Deviating declaration time frame
  11. Automatic 'Loonheffing' payment
  12. Suppress a wage declaration
  13. Send a wage declaration using FOS
  14. Save a copy of a wage declaration as a file
  15. Annual wage statement