Configure Payroll payments

In Profit, you can automate the payment of ‘Loonheffing’ to the tax authority, pension premiums to the pension funds and salaries to the employees.

Profit also supports making payments outside the SEPA area.



You make the payment of the ‘Loonheffing’ to the tax authority and of the pension premiums to the pension funds via the agencies that you record in Profit. Per employer, you determine the method you use to make the salary payments and the payments to agencies. You have the following options:

  • Payment file per employer

    After approving the salary processing of several employers, you create a payment file per employer.

  • Collective payment

    In the case of a collective payment, you use processing groups. You use a processing group to group employers for generating payment files. You create a payment file per processing group.

In a diagram, the configuration per method looks as follows:


Also see