Year-end work for pension funds

Delivering the year-end work is a statutory obligation. You no longer deliver the year-end work to the tax authority and 'UWV’ since they already receive this information via the wage declaration. You can, however, deliver year-end work to some pension funds.



Year-end work consists of the delivery of data to pension funds. The relevant pension funds are ‘Grafische bedrijfsfondsen’ (Timeos) and ‘PFZW’ (‘PGGM’).

The Timeos agency was known as GAK (GBF) until 2008. As of 2013, the name GBF changed to Timeos.


For the Paint and Printing Ink CLA, you deliver the first year-end work for 2013.

For the ‘Kartonnage’ CLA, you deliver the year-end work as from 2012.

Every employer is obliged to supply the wage information for a calendar year to these pension funds. You can digitally send the information that you are required to provide to these agencies from Profit.

The procedure for generating the year-end work is as follows:

Click on a step in the above procedure to go to the explanation of that procedure step.

2013 Details

You can generate the year-end work for 2013 in Profit 2014, Build 2.4.


The wages for period 1 of 2014 can be processed before the 2013 year-end work is performed.

