Set a ledger account for project entries

If you want to carry forward purchase invoices or costs from the financial administration, you must first specify the ledger accounts for which carrying forward is allowed or even mandatory.

You have the following options:

  • No project entry - If you choose this option, you cannot carry forward any entries for the ledger account in question to a project's actual costing.
  • Project entry allowed - If you choose this option, you can carry forward entries for the ledger account in question to a project's actual costing. However, it is not mandatory to carry entries for the ledger account in question forward to a project.
  • Project entry mandatory - If you choose this option, it is mandatory to carry forward the entries for the ledger account in question to a project's actual costing.


    The project entry is also required for Project entry allowed if you entered a project on the purchase invoice line and configured VAT duty per project (purchase).

To set a ledger account:

  1. Go to: Financial / Ledger / Ledger account.
  2. Open the properties of the ledger account.
  3. Go to the tab: Extra.
  4. Select the way in which you want to carry entries forward to Profit Projecten in the Carry projects forward field.
  5. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Configure the carrying forward of purchase invoices with VAT duty by project
  2. Activate the VAT duty by project (purchase) functionality
  3. Authorise VAT duty by project
  4. Configure a purchase invoice entry layout
  5. Link an entry layout to a journal for VAT duty by project
  6. Set a ledger account for a project entry
  7. Add VAT duty and VAT code by project