Configure project invoice journalising

For journalising invoices in Profit Financieel, you specify how Profit must determine the ledger accounts on which you want to enter turnover amounts. You can determine the calculation basis for these entries yourself. You should also specify certain settings if you work with multiple financial administrations.

  • Add the integration type for journalising project invoices

    You add an integration type to record settings for journalising the integration type (invoicing method) to Profit Financieel.

  • Financial integration settings

    In the financial integration settings you can specify the calculation basis that determines to which turnover account the amounts are posted.

  • Add an integration account

    After you have set up the calculation basis for the turnover entries, you can configure the integration data. You add a new integration account to record settings for the journalising via an integration journal in Profit Financieel.

  • Set up an integration group

    An integration group is a collection of work types and costs. You can add integration groups and for each group determine which work types and/or costs are included in the group. Per integration group you specify for Profit Financieel a ledger account of the 'Revenue' type and a ledger account of the 'Credit entries' type to be used for journalising the invoices.

  • Configure the reversal of credit project invoices

    For journalising credit invoices from Profit Projecten you can set Profit to enter the turnover as a negative amount in the credit column or to enter the turnover in the debit column.

    Configure the allocation for project journalising

    You can record allocation links for the integration of allocations with Profit Financieel. The link is used to register the revenue entries from the invoices in Profit Financieel per cost centre (product, department, etc.), giving you more insight and consequently options for adjustments.

  • Journalise cost centres from actual costing

    You can journalise cost centres from the actual costing.