View project results

The most important information about projects is gathered together in the properties of the project.

To view the results per project:

  1. Go to: Projects / Project / Project.
  2. Open the project properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Cost estimate.

    This tab shows all lines that you have entered for the project from the cost estimate and the quotations.

    You can add, change or delete a new cost estimate directly from this view if you are authorised for these actions.

  4. Go to the tab: Actual costing.

    This tab displays all entries for the project that have been entered in the actual costing via the time registration or via financial entries carried forward.

    If you are authorised to do so, you can open the associated actual costing line directly from within this view and change what has been entered using Actual Costing / Enter hours. The entry program only opens the actual costing line you double-clicked on. You can then only change this line (if it is allowed) and change the date and/or the project number (if this is allowed). You cannot add new lines.

  5. Go to the tab: Revenue.

    This tab displays the lines of the project invoices and the revenue entries that have been carried forward from Profit Financial to the project.


    In Profit, project revenues can be generated in two ways: from a project invoice or from a project entry in a sales journal. Only if you have used the last method to enter revenue, can you go from the project revenue to the underlying journal entry. If the project revenue arose from the first method, opens the project invoicing entry program with the lines of the invoice in question and displays a message that the selected line is not a financial project entry.

  6. Go to the tab: Totals.

    For a quick and easy comparison, this tab displays the total cost price and sales amounts of the cost estimate, actual costing and revenue. You can view the data at various levels: per project, per project phase, per item type, per group or per item code. At each level, a view with cumulatives is available.

    Pro_Projectresultaten raadplegen (50)

  7. Go to the tab: Totals from invoicing.

    If no charged actual costing is entered on a project and there are no instalment invoices, the To be invoiced field on this tab is empty.

    The amounts in this tab are exclusive of VAT except for the Outstanding balance field. This may result in a percentage of over 100%. You can use Tot. amount purchase orders to see the total value of the purchase order (line) that is linked to this project.

Directly to

  1. Project results
  2. View project results
  3. View a project card
  4. To view the actual costing overview:
  5. View project entries