Set order e-mailing

In the entry layout you specify if you want to automatically e-mail an order once it is completed.

Per entry layout you can set one of the following options:

  • Always - Profit will always e-mail the order immediately, as soon as you complete the order.
  • Never - Profit will never e-mail the order when the order is completed.
  • Pose question - On completion of the order, Profit will ask whether you want to e-mail the order.

You can set this for all order types (quotation, order, packing slip, etc.) via the various entry layouts.


Whether or not a report is eventually e-mailed, depends on the issue method set for the sales contact. Only the supply method matching the setting entered here (e-mail and/or print) is performed.

To set e-mailing for an order:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Entry layout.
  2. Open the entry layout properties
  3. Go to the tab: General settings.
  4. Select a value for E-mail order.
  5. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Order process entry layout settings
  2. Set default blocking of quotations and orders
  3. Set a credit limit check
  4. Check the minimum and maximum amount of a quotation/order
  5. Set order printing
  6. Set order e-mailing
  7. Set up that orders are always placed in the dossier
  8. Enter order number manually
  9. Finalise a quotation immediately
  10. Copy a quotation after the expiry date
  11. Add a new order immediately
  12. Redetermine price/discount for cumulative entry