Synchronise a debtor number with an organisation/person

You can synchronise the numbering of your sales contacts/debtors with the numbering of the linked organisation/person. Before you can do this, you must first go to the properties of the environment to specify that you want to keep the numbering of sales contacts/debtors the same as the numbering of the organisation/person.


In the environment properties, if you have specified that the numbering of the sales contacts must be identical to the numbering of the organisation/person, the Synchronise debtor number with organisation/person action is available. In that case the 'Change debtor number' action is not available. This action is only available if you use a separate numbering for your sales contacts.

To synchronise a debtor number with an organisation/person:

  1. Go to:Order Management / Sales / Sales contact.
  2. Click on the action:Synchronise debtor number with organisation/person. Profit always synchronises all sales contacts if you use this action.

    Profit warns that you are about to synchronise the numbering of all debtors with the numbers of the linked organisations or persons.

  3. Click on Yes in the message

Profit synchronises the numbering of the sales contacts based on the numbering of the linked organisations or persons.

Directly to

  1. Sales contact/debtor
  2. Configuration
  3. Add a sales contact/debtor
  4. View a sales contact/debtor
  5. Configure the supply type and contact person per contact
  6. Block a sales contact (temporarily)
  7. Change the sales contact/debtor number
  8. Synchronize the sales contact/debtor number with organisation/person
  9. Merge sales contacts/debtors
  10. Configure a deviating rate for VAT
  11. Sales contact item code