Add a promotional price (sales)

A promotional price is a price that is temporarily valid, thus when you add it you enter a start and an end date.

Furthermore, you have the same settings as for the addition of a regular sales price.

If you have recorded multiple units for the item then you can add a separate promotional price per unit. If you do not add a promotional price to an extra unit, the promotional price for the extra unit is calculated on the basis of the sales price that is recorded for the basic unit.


If you have only recorded the promotional price for the basic unit, for example € 100, then the sales price for the extra unit Box, with in it 5 basic units, is € 500.

You can also record a separate promotional price for the extra unit Box, that is different from the promotional price for the basic unit. For example, you can sell the basic unit for a promotional price of € 100, but the unit Box, with in it 5 basic units, you can sell for a promotional price of € 450.

To add a promotional price:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Sales / Price/discount / Promotional price.
  2. Click on: New
  3. Select the Item type.
  4. Select the Item code.
  5. If required, change the Unit.

    In the Number per unit field, you may see the number of basic units of the selected unit.

  6. If required, add a separate promotional price per unit if you have recorded multiple units for the item.
  7. Click on: Next
  8. If required, change the Currency.
  9. Enter the Sales price.
  10. If required, change the Start date.
  11. For End date, enter the date up to when the promotional price is valid.
  12. Complete any remaining fields.
  13. Click on: Finish

Directly to

  1. Promotional price (sales)
  2. Configuration
  3. Add a promotional price
  4. Maintain a promotional price
  5. Add a recurring promotional price
  6. Add a promotional price to a price list (sales)