Expire a quotation

A sales quotation is still active or is accepted and then changes into a sales order. If a quotation is not accepted, you can manually assign the additional status Expired to the rejected quotation. This gives you a better view of sales quotations that are still active.

You can still view quotations that have expired. This allows you, for example, to produce analyses of why certain quotations have been accepted and others not.

Sales quotations that have expired and that are linked to a current forecast are no longer included in the total amount for the forecast. If you close a forecast because it has not scored (status Closed and not scored) then you can specify that any associated quotations automatically expire.


You can only let quotations that have the Current status expire.

To expire a quotation:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Sales process / Sales quotation.
  2. Select the quotation that you want to expire.
  3. Click on the action: Expired.

The status of the selected quotation changes to Expired.

Directly to

  1. Quotation
  2. Activate the Quotation functionality
  3. Configuration
  4. Add a quotation
  5. Add a quotation by copying lines
  6. View a quotation
  7. Release a blocked quotation
  8. Make a new version of a quotation
  9. Finalise a quotation
  10. Issue a quotation to a sales contact
  11. Approve a quotation
  12. Expire a quotation
  13. Add an order from a quotation
  14. Import a sales quotation