Example of pro rata monthly subscription

In this example you will invoice a subscription with an invoice cycle of one month (M1) where the first month is not free and you invoice the remainder for April pro rata.

You can invoice a subscription pro rata. You can use this, for example, if by default you want to send invoices on a fixed date once per year, but in the meantime, you want to invoice subscriptions as they commence during the year.

The subscription commences on 15 April of the current year. You invoice automatically on 15 April and at that time, Profit must include this subscription.


The price of the subscription article should come into effect at the same time that the cycle starts for the period. For example, a monthly subscription starts on 15 November of the current year and the monthly cycle must start on 1 December. Then you would like Profit to calculate the part from 15/11 to 30/11 pro rata. This is only possible if the price for the whole period is known. The price must therefore be known prior to the start of the previous period, in this case before 1 November. Profit will then determine the price correctly, otherwise it is not possible to make the proper pro rata calculation. This is particularly important in an annual cycle, because the price from a year ago is not always known.

Subscription with monthly invoice cycle (M1) where the first month is not free and for which you invoice the remainder for April pro rata:

  • Start date subscription: 15 April of the current year.
  • Start date invoice cycle: 1 May of the current year.
  • Cycle invoicing: Maand.
  • First invoice run: 15 April of the current year.
  • The first month is not free and you want to invoice the remainder for April pro rata.

To add a subscription:

  1. Go to: Subscriptions / Subscription / Subscription.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Select a value for Organisation/person.

  4. Select a value for Type of subscription.

    You can use the subscription type in reporting or to select subscriptions during invoicing.

  5. Complete the remaining fields. 
  6. Add the line:
    1. Enter 15 April of the current year in Start date and in Invoice from.

    The subscription is included in the invoice run on 15 April (and thus is invoiced). The start date of the cycle remains 1 May of the current year. The next opportunity to create an invoice is on (or after) 1 May, at which time Profit increments the start date of the cycle to 1 June of the current year.

Directly to

  1. Examples of subscriptions configuration
  2. Monthly invoice cycle (M1) - first month free
  3. Monthly invoice cycle (M1) - invoice immediately
  4. Monthly invoice cycle (M1) - invoice date late
  5. Monthly invoice cycle (M1) - invoice pro rata
  6. Six-monthly invoice cycle (M6)
  7. Invoice cycle of one year (Y1) - invoice entire year
  8. Invoice cycle of one year (Y1) - first year pro rata, invoice entire year for subsequent years