Draft invoicing
If you want to invoice you clients for the actual costs incurred in a project (hours, units and articles) 'based on cost plus', in other words, you want to copy the actual costing items to the project invoices one by one, you have the option to apply an extra check in this process: adding drafts.
Creating drafts is an extra step in the invoicing process. Before you invoice the actual costing lines, you first present them in a draft invoice. You can check and change the draft.
Drafts are particularly useful if you create more than one invoice for a project.
Using drafts you can influence the amounts to be invoiced. It is possible to shift amounts to a subsequent invoice or to decide not to charge certain amounts, i.e. 'write off' an amount.
Draft lines are first generated from the actual costing lines which have been prepared for draft invoicing; after this you cannot make any more changes to these actual costing lines. The draft lines are then generated.
If no draft is present, a new draft will be added for these lines. If a draft is already present for the sales contact but it is not completed yet, then the lines prepared will be added to this concept. When generating the draft the invoicing settings are taken into account. In these settings you can indicate whether the invoice should contain "compressed" lines. If you have selected this option then the draft lines are also compressed.
The declaration process looks as follows:
- Configure the draft invoicing
When configuring the draft invoicing you enter the settings for draft invoicing and the entry layouts and you specify the master data.
- Add drafts
After you have reported the actual costing lines ready you can add drafts manually.
- Edit drafts
When editing a draft you can always change detail lines, as long as they are not compressed. If the lines are compressed, then for any changes you make to the detail lines, the total of the detail lines must always be in balance with the compressed line.
- Review drafts
In the drafts view that you open by selecting Projects / Invoicing / Drafts you can review the drafts based on their status.
- Print drafts
You can print and/or e-mail the drafts.
- Release drafts for invoicing
You can release a draft for invoicing directly. The status is then changed from 'Cannot be invoiced' to 'Can be invoiced'.
- Block drafts for invoicing
You can set the status of a draft that has been released back to 'Cannot be invoiced'.
- Postpone drafts for invoicing
You can delay (postpone) drafts that have not yet been released for invoicing to a subsequent period so that these drafts will only be invoiced in a subsequent period.
- Complete outstanding drafts
You can complete outstanding drafts if all the lines have the status Complete. You do this, for example, for outstanding drafts for sales contacts who are no longer customers.
- Generate project invoices
You can invoice drafts with the status 'Can be invoiced'.