Retrieve a Profit Build using an app connector (AppConnectorVersion)

Connector for retrieving a version number (including Build and Update) of the Profit installation on which the environment is running.

You can find all endpoints on this page.

You can use the procedure below to test the call using the Profit Web services.


Test the Web services
  1. Use a URL from the table.
  2. Click on: 'GetProductVersion'.
  3. Enter the user token of the user.

    Enter the entire token, including the tags, as in the example below:


  4. Click on: 'Invoke'.

    This runs the Connector.

SOAP call

Connector for retrieving a version number (including Build and Update) of the Profit installation on which the environment is running.

Download an XML example file

  • token

    Token of the user who executes the connector. Use a CDATA tag for the token; see the XML example to be downloaded.

Directly to

  1. Call your own app connector
  2. Call a GetConnector
  3. Call an UpdateConnector
  4. Call a ReportConnector
  5. Call a SubjectConnector
  6. Call a VersionInfoConnector