Add, change and delete absence entries (UpdateConnector)

UpdateConnector for absence entries

UpdateConnector name:

  • HrIllness

    Default UpdateConnector to add, change and delete absence entries.

  • HrIllnessGUID

    This is an UpdateConnector with a unique key (GUID). You only need this UpdateConnector if you want to change the start date of an absence entry (because in that case you can use the default key fields in 'HrIllness').

    The following general rules apply here:

    • In case of an INSERT action, Profit uses the provided 'GUID', as long as it is unique. If this is not the case, Profit generates a standard SQL message for this. If you do not provide a 'GUID', Profit adds a 'GUID' itself.
    • In case of an UPDATE or DELETE action, Profit looks up the record using the 'GUID', but the other key fields are in fact mandatory. If the 'GUID' is incorrect or unavailable, the line is rejected.

  • HrIllnessInSite

    UpdateConnector for adding absence entries, allowing you to immediately add a dossier item of the Sickness entry type to the employee.

    This UpdateConnector does not allow you to change or delete records.


    You can retrieve a list of fields to be supplied for each UpdateConnector and generate an XML example. See the description for AFAS Online or for a local installation.



Actions that can be performed with the connector


















Not possible with the connector:

  • You can delete absence cases, but this does not apply to absence cases for which dossier items have been specified.

An absence entry has a header with general data and an absence course with absence course lines. The simplest form is an absence entry with two lines: one for the start of the case of absence and the other for the end. If you add an absence entry with the UpdateConnector, then you must also deliver the first absence course line directly in the 'HrIllnessProgress' segment. The date/time of this course line is overwritten by the start date/time of the absence entry.

You can add and immediately close an absence entry. For more information, please refer to 'Close'.

Present first day

Field: TPBe

Format: Duration in minutes

The number of hours that the employee did work on the first day of the case of illness.

  • For an employee with a specified timetable

    Profit determines this value automatically based on the start time of the case of absence in combination with the timetable.

  • For an employee with a variable work pattern

    Enter the duration in minutes.

    When you import absence entries, Profit can convert a value from hours to minutes, but the UpdateConnector cannot.


Field: EnSe

This field is mandatory if you are working with the Multiple concurrent employments functionality. You must indicate the employment to which the absence entry pertains.

If you do not use this functionality, this field is not mandatory.


Field: PSHr

Format: Duration in minutes


For fractions, a rounding difference may occur in Profit. You can avoid this by entering the presence percentage instead of the duration.

Absence course

Profit must be able to determine the absence entry to which the absence course line pertains. Therefore, you must complete the 'HrIllness' and 'HrAbsIllnessProgress' segments.

In the first absence course line, you never enter the DaTi (end date/time).

Absence hour type

Field: SoTi

This field is only mandatory if the project integration is used.

Presence percentage, presence hours

Fields: PsPc, PsHr

You must enter both fields in an absence course line.

By completing the PsHr, Profit calculates the employee's absenteeism rate If you change the absenteeism rate in the PsPc field in the UpdateConnector, then don't complete the PsHr field.

Specify presence

Field: PsSp

You have the following options to specify the presence:

  • No specification

    PsSP = False

    You do not record any values for the individual days.

  • Specify a number of hours per day

    PsSP = True

    You enter the duration per day in the 'HrMo', 'HrTu', 'HrWe', etc. fields. You do not record the working hours.

  • Specify the number of hours per day and the working hours

    PsSP = True

    You enter the duration per day in the 'HrMo', 'HrTu', 'HrWe', etc. fields. You record the start and end time for each day. If you record the start time for a day, the end time is mandatory.

OT presence percentage, OT presence hours

Fields: PsPa, PsHa

Both fields are mandatory in the absence course line.

Occupational therapy hour type

Field: StAt

This field is never mandatory. If you use the project integration, you determine yourself whether you want to record this hour type.


  • In an address, you must always enter the country code in the 'CoId' field.
  • Deliver the fields that are needed for a complete address (this depends on the properties of the country code).
  • For the first address (in practice, for a new record), you do not need to deliver a start date in the 'BeginDate' field. If an address already exists, use 'BeginDate' to indicate the effective date of the address change.
  • If the 'ResZip' field has the value 'True', the system looks up the city for the postal code entered. In this case, you do in fact still need to enter a city in the 'Rs' field. If the system cannot find a city for the postal code entered, it uses the value entered in 'Rs' for the city.

The address is not mandatory. You cannot perform a DELETE action on the 'KnBasicAddress' segment. An UPDATE always creates a new address record.


An absence entry has a header with general data and an absence course with absence course lines. To close an absence case, you need to add a closing absence course line.

When you close an absence entry, you must enter the following data:

  • Segment 'HrIllness'
    • 'EmId' (employee code)
    • 'DaBe' (start date/time)
    • 'DaEn' (end date/time)
  • Segment 'HrAbsIllnessProgress' (absence course line)
    • 'DaTi' (end date/time)
    • 'PsPc' (presence). Presence must be set to 100%.
    • 'ViWr' (type of work resumption)
    • 'ViRc' (recovered code)

You can download and view an XML example file.

If you deliver an absence entry that is closed immediately while there is just one single course line, Profit adds an extra closing course line. If you deliver multiple course lines, Profit uses the last course line sent as the closing course line. The date/time of this course line is overwritten by the end date/time of the absence entry. Profit only copies the Remark, Type of work resumption and Recovered code fields from the XML and enters default values in the other fields (just as when you manually close an absence entry).


You are not allowed to include the 'PsPc' (presence percentage) field in the XML file. This field is automatically populated by Profit.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I fully delete an absence entry?

How do I add an absence course line?

How can I specify that an employee's work is fully or partially occupational therapy-related?

Directly to

  1. UpdateConnector descriptions