Add article sales prices (UpdateConnector FbSalesPrice)

UpdateConnector for adding sales prices and volume prices for articles. You can also read using the customer article code/barcode.

UpdateConnector name: FbSalesPrice


You can retrieve a list of fields to be supplied for each UpdateConnector and generate an XML example. See the description for AFAS Online or for a local installation.



Actions that can be performed with the connector


Add records

Not possible with the connector:

  • Change sales prices
  • Delete sales prices
  • Add, change or delete sales prices for other item types (other than articles).
  • Add price lists.

Points of attention:

  • This UpdateConnector has several options. Depending on the options, certain fields are mandatory. This cannot always be derived from the XSD file; test this functionality in Profit to check all options.

Directly to

  1. UpdateConnector descriptions