Auto numbering

You use auto numbering for organisations and persons, fixed assets, quotations and packing slips, among other things. You have additional options for purchase and sales contacts, employees, applicants and employers.


In Profit, you manage organisations and persons in a single central table. Each organisation added in Profit, for instance as a purchase contact, sales contact, agency, employer, employee, etc., is also added to the central table.

You can use the settings to force organisations and their linked purchase contacts, sales contacts, etc., to always have the same code. In this case, the auto numbering of the organisation (or person) is determinate. Otherwise, you must record the auto numbering for each component.


The next free organisation code is 10000. You have set the numbering of purchase and sales contacts to be the same as for organisations.

If you add a sales contact, Profit also adds an organisation for this. Both the sales contact and the organisation take code 10000.

If you do not set the numbering of sales contacts, for instance, to be the same as for organisations, then you must record the numbering of sales contacts separately.

The next free organisation code is 10000. You have not set the numbering of sales contacts to be the same as for organisations. For sales contacts, you use a separate range and the next free number is V50020.
