
You use counters to determine the last voucher number or the last invoice number. Add the counters and link the correct counter to each journal.

You also have a counter by employer for the numbering of employees based on an employer prefix. If you did not set up this numbering method in Profit HR, you cannot record a counter at the employer level.


In Profit Order management and Profit Projecten (i.e. also project invoices, instalment invoices, etc.), invoice numbers that do already exist are not assigned. When checking whether an invoice number already exists, the system also looks at the financial invoices, i.e. not just at the order management invoices, project invoices and instalment invoices. This check takes place across all administrations.

If you delete an invoice, then Profit will log the deleted invoice number. When an invoice number is deleted, your invoice numbers will no longer be consecutive, even though the Tax Authority requires this. If the invoice numbering does not meet this condition, then customers may not be entitled to the VAT deduction. You can view logged invoice numbers using the Deleted and cancelled invoices (Profit) report.




You can use the following counter sets (counter types) in Profit:: Voucher number, Purchase invoice, Sales invoice, Draft invoice, Employer and General.

The configuration and maintenance of these counters differs as follows:

  • You cannot add, delete or change the General counter. The general counters use Profit to assign sequence numbers, for example.
  • You cannot add a new counter for Employer, because this is done automatically when you add a new employer. The employer counter also cannot be deleted, because this is done automatically when you delete an employer. You can change this counter, however.
  • You cannot add, delete or change the counter for Draft invoice. You can change this counter, however.
  • You must link the counter for Voucher number, Purchase invoice and Sales invoice to a journal. Do not link the counter for Draft invoice, Employer and General to a journal.
  • You can add an unlimited number of ranges to a counter for Voucher number, Purchase invoice and Sales invoice. You consequently only need to link only one counter to a journal.

You can set the following ranges for the counters:

  • A continuous range.

    You use this range for a ‘perpetual’ continuous range. This range is not time-dependent and you therefore do not enter an end-date. You need to configure the counter only once. Profit always uses the next number in a range in this regard.

  • Manual range.

    You maintain this counter yourself by periodically manually adding ranges to this counter. You can add an unlimited number of ranges to the counter. Profit uses the proper range on the basis of the entry or invoice date. This is the range for which the entry or invoice date falls between the start and end date of the range.

  • Automatic Range

    Profit automatically maintains the ranges of this counter; Profit then adds new ranges each year. This means that Profit maintains the range without the need for human interaction. Once configured you no longer need to concern yourself with it. You set a ‘year tag’ for this purpose for the leader. For example: [JJJJ], [JJJ], [JJ] or [J]. For the year 2013, these ‘year tags’ produce '2013', '013', '13' or '3' respectively as the leader for the counter. 


  • To add a counter

    Add a counter and link it to the proper journal. You can add a counter with a continuous range, with manual periodic ranges or automatic periodic ranges. A counter needs to be linked to a journal only once (in other words not every year). As long as there is a range for the invoice or entry date, it is possible to issue a number.

  • To encode employees with employer prefix

    Use this method if each employee code must always begin with an employer code.

  • To view counter and ranges

    You can view a counter with its associated range(s).

  • To manually add range

    You manually add a range if you are using a date-dependent counter and you have not set Add ranges automatically after the end date.

  • To delete a counter

    You can delete a counter.

Directly to

  1. Auto numbering and counters
  2. Auto numbering
  3. Counters