Link a general selection to a campaign action

Add a general selection (or use an existing one) and link it to the campaign action..


Only contacts that are in the selection when you add the selection to the action, are included in the campaign.

To link a general selection:

  1. Add the general selection based on Contact (if you have not already done so).

    The result of the selection always is a list of contact persons.

  2. Open the properties of the campaign..
  3. Go to the tab: Campaign actions.
  4. Open the properties of the campaign action..
  5. Go to the tab: Selections.
  6. Click on: New.
  7. In the Selection field select the added selection.
  8. Select the Do not add contacts that have already been used in a campaign action in this campaign. check box if the target group should only contain new contacts and not contacts that were already involved in a previous campaign action.
  9. Click on: Finish.
  10. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Link the target group selection to an action
  2. Link a general selection to a campaign action
  3. Import a campaign selection
  4. Use the selection from a previous action