Add report fields to a data collection

If you want to create a report containing Profit data, you must include the corresponding fields in the report's data collection. Next, you position the fields in the report layout.

If you want to perform the below exercise, you first add a report that is based on the data collection Employee (actual data inc. salary).

To add report fields to a data collection:

  1. Check if the required fields are present in the Data fields box.

  2. Click on: Modify.
  3. Profit may notify you that the data collection contains fields that are not used in the report.

    If you click on Yes, Profit will delete all the unused fields. This will improve the performance. In this stage of the configuration it does not yet make sense to delete these fields, because you may need them later on. Once the report is finished, it may make sense.

    The Data collection wizard now appears.

  4. Add the fields.
  5. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Set up a simple report
  2. Add a report
  3. Add report fields to a data collection
  4. Put fields in the layout
  5. Format fields
  6. Specify the format, page orientation and margins
  7. Dat_Velden op een rapport positioneren
  8. Align report fields
  9. Specify the background colour of the detail section of a report
  10. Format the header using document fields
  11. Format the footer using document fields
  12. Place wage summaries, wage components and calculation bases in reports