Configure a creditor for automatic international payments

You configure a creditor for international payments if you want to make the payment in a foreign currency, for example in American dollars (USD). In this case, you must have configured the currency.

To configure a creditor for payments in a foreign currency:

  1. Go to: Financial / Creditor / Creditor.
  2. Go to the tab: General.
  3. Select the appropriate currency code in Currency, for example USD.
  4. Go to the tab: Payment.
  5. In Bank account, select the creditor's bank account number for automatic payments.
  6. Select International payments and all payments in foreign currency in Payment method if you want to make the payment in a foreign currency and want to generate a BTL91 file.

    This payment method refers to the settings on the International payment tab of the bank account number you are going to use for the payment. The payment method you select here must match the payment method in the payment order.

  7. Select the Automatic payment check box.
  8. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Configure automatic international payments
  2. Configure a creditor for automatic international payments
  3. Bank account number
  4. Configure an international creditor for cheque payments