Edit outstanding items for reminders

You can exclude an outstanding item from reminders or lower the reminder number. You only use this step in special situations, for example when you have made arrangements with your debtor.

In this case you have the following options:

  • You can exclude an outstanding item from reminders so that it is never included in a reminder.
  • You can make sure that in the next run a different (less severe) reminder is included.

To edit outstanding items:

  1. Go to: Financial / Debtor / Overview / Outstanding items.
  2. Open the properties of the relevant outstanding item.
  3. Deselect the Remind check box if you do not want to send any reminders for this outstanding item.
  4. The Number of reminders field shows the number of reminders that have already been printed. Based on this, Profit selects the next ('stricter') reminder layout. By reducing this number a less severe layout will be used.


    If you want to increase the value in the Number of reminders field, Profit can show a message stating that the number of reminders cannot be increased. It is not always possible to increase this field for invoices (for example, imported invoices). This is protected in Profit, because normally speaking you should not skip a reminder. A reminder letter often refers to earlier reminders and these are not there then (not in dossier).

  5. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Reminders
  2. Configure reminders
  3. Specify the reminder settings per debtor
  4. Edit outstanding items for reminders
  5. Add reminder run
  6. Reminder order checklist
  7. Check and edit the reminder run
  8. Finalise and print the reminders
  9. View reminders via outstanding items
  10. Interest on credit notes