Refresh current HR data

The current table contains data that is valid today, and retrieval of this data can be done quickly.

Profit HR contains a lot of data with a certain validity based on a start and end date, such as the contract, salary, and timetable lines of an employee. This data often has a strong interconnected relationship. As this data is required numerous times each day (because you view it or perform an action in Profit), Profit places the data applicable for today in a separate table - the current table.

Entries in the future are not part of the current table, as these only become valid in the future. In order to process these entries in the current table, you need to refresh the current table every day. AFAS recommends that you do this every night (after midnight!) using the Task scheduler or the Command Line Utility. This ensures the data is automatically refreshed each night.

It may be useful to run the Command Line Utility again in the daytime, for example, after recording absence entries in the morning (this refreshes the substitutes). Generally it is not useful to run this command line too frequently.

Profit redetermines the destinations in the case of a day transition.


In exceptional circumstances, you can refresh the current table manually by selecting HR / Management / Configuration / Refresh current details. This is not possible in AFAS Online.

See also