Agency employee

Agencies are institutions with which the organisation is involved within the context of personnel management and salaries. You can add these agencies at the employee level.



Before you can add these agencies to the employee, you first need to add the agency to the environment and then you need to add it to the employer the employee falls under. If you report an employee's start of employment in Profit, you can directly add the agencies for the employee.

You can import the agency at the employee with HR / Management / Import Agency / Agency.


As from 1 January 2006 you no longer need to create the 'UWV' agency. All data that was previously submitted to the 'UWV' about the employee for the employer's and national insurance contributions, can now be sent directly to the Tax Authorities using the electronic wage declaration.

If an agency has an end date with the employer, then after the end date the agency can no longer be selected with the employee.

Agency data for salary processing

The salary processing takes account of the agency data for the employee on the end date of the period or the employment end date.


An employee has an employment (2) that ends on 14-02-2015 and the following agency lines are present:

  • 01-01-2014 - 14-02-2015

    With an employment deviation from employment (2)

  • 15-02-2015 - no end date

    No deviation from agency data for employment.

The salary processing takes account of the agency data on 28-02-2014. In the month of February 2015 the agency data at the labour relation level is checked for employment (2).



Also see