Add an InSite search view

A search view is available for many InSite fields. This view displays all the values you can use. If the default search view does not contain the required fields then add a search view with the required fields yourself.

Add an InSite search view:

  1. Open the search view in InSite.

    In the example, the search view for the Transporter field in the sales contact properties.

  2. Go to: Profit Windows.
  3. Go to: .
  4. Search for the view.

  5. Open the view: and compare it with the view in InSite. If there are multiple views in Profit Windows, you first need to find the correct one.

  6. Add a view and give it the appropriate layout.
  7. Both views are available in Windows.

    It can take some time before the new view is available in InSite, because views are stored in the cache. If the InSite search view has an extra view, this is displayed on a separate tab.

Directly to

  1. Change overviews (views) in InSite
  2. Add an overview
  3. Adjust the fields in an overview
  4. Modify the overview properties
  5. Set up a simple view with hyperlinks
  6. Set up a list view of an overview
  7. Multiple overviews on a page
  8. Overview pages based on other overviews
  9. Add a search view