Change a project in InSite

You can change various project data. For example, you can change the project phase or location. For performance reasons, you cannot change all project data in InSite.

The context of the linked project profile also applies when changing a project in InSite. This means that the project profile settings for how the fields ‘behave’, such as read only, mandatory, not visible, and so on, also apply when changing a project in InSite.

To change a project in InSite:

  1. Open the site.
  2. Log on with your user name and password.
  3. Click on: OK.
  4. Click on: Projects.
  5. Click on: Projects.
  6. Open the project properties.

    Pro_Project wijzigen in InSite (10)

  7. Click on the action: Modify.
  8. Change the fields.
  9. Click on: Modify.

Directly to

  1. Project Self Service (PSS)
  2. Configure projects in InSite
  3. Add a project in InSite
  4. Change a project in InSite
  5. View My projects in InSite
  6. View projects in InSite