Configure wage summaries for the year-end work

For the year-end work, AFAS supplies different wage summaries. Using these wage summaries, the correct amounts in the year-end files are processed and you print the correct amounts on the employee's annual statement.

The wage summaries required for the year-end work are grouped in the wage summary group Year-end work.

To configure wage summaries:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Configuration / Wage summary group.
  2. Open the wage summary group: Jaarwerk.
  3. Go to the tab: Wage summaries.

    On this tab, you see the wage summaries that are important for the year-end work. The wage summaries are displayed with a blue background because you are not allowed to delete them from the group.

  4. Open a wage summary.

    You can check the configuration of the wage summary. This is especially important if you use your own wage components.

See also

Directly to

  1. Configure the year-end work
  2. Configuration at environment level
  3. Configure agencies
  4. Configure employers
  5. Configure employees
  6. Configure wage summaries