Automatic 'Loonheffing' payment

If you have Profit Financieel, you can pay the 'Loonheffing' automatically. If you configure this functionality, Profit determines the amount to be paid and registers it as an outstanding item. Profit can then include the amount in an automatic payment order for the tax authority.

You can use this functionality for the turnover tax (not in the Netherlands Antilles) and the 'Loonheffing' (not in the Netherlands Antilles or Belgium). If you do not configure this functionality or if you do not have Profit Financieel, you cannot use this functionality and must make the payments manually.



If you journalise the wage journal entry to Profit Financieel using the Profit integration method, you can pay the 'Loonheffing' automatically. You configure this at the employer level. In Profit Financieel you have to configure the environment and administration for payments to the tax authority. This can be the current environment or a different environment.

If you are using a different journalising method for the employer, you must pay the 'Loonheffing' manually.


You can only change the environment and administration you are journalising to, after the last final wage declaration has been submitted. If there still are correction lines, you have to prepare those first. Otherwise an incorrect journalising could result.

When you start using this functionality, Profitwill check whether an automatically generated outstanding item is already present.

Prepare a wage declaration

Profit generates an outstanding item when the wage declaration is prepared. This item is immediately journalised using the following data:

  • Profit automatically determines the correct (unique) payment reference based on the tax authority instructions.
  • Profit copies the voucher date from the salary processing plan.
  • Profit determines the actual payment date based on the payment date shown in the Declaration cockpit, taking into account the payment term (in days) you have specified in the Administration settings. If that causes the payment date to be in the past, Profit sets the payment date to the system date.

During the preparation, a workflow for the completion of 'Invoices in circulation' is created.

In case of corrections to the wage declaration, Profit will automatically determine whether you still have to pay a difference amount. The following situations may occur, for example:

  • You have prepared the first declaration for a period, but have not yet paid the outstanding item.

    Profit sets the original outstanding item to 0 and generates a new outstanding item for the total amount.

  • You have prepared the first declaration for a period and have paid the outstanding item.

    Profit generates a new outstanding item for the difference to be paid. If you are entitled to a refund from the tax authority, a credit note is created which can be settled with a future declaration.

Start using this functionality

When you start using this functionality, Profit will perform an extra check to avoid duplicate payments to the tax authority. In the period in which you start using the functionality, the following situations may occur:

  • You have already prepared the wage declaration

    Profit cannot determine whether you already paid the 'Loonheffing'. That is why you still must pay the 'Loonheffing' for the current period manually. You will start using automatic payments as from the next period.

  • You have not yet prepared the wage declaration

    You start using the automatic payment as from the current period.

