Cost estimate numbering

Because you can use the cost estimate as a quotation, you can use separate numbering for cost estimates. There are several methods for this:

  • Manual numbering:

    If you want to determine the number for each quotation yourself you do not have to make any special settings. When you add a cost estimate you can enter the number yourself. The number has the meaning you assign to it.

  • Auto numbering:

    If the quotation number does not have a particular significance, you can set the numbering to increment automatically with a certain step size.

  • Quotation number same as project number

    With this setting you create quotations with a number that is the same as the project code. This makes it easy to retrieve the quotations but you can only create one quotation per project. After all, you can only create a quotation if there is no other quotation with the same number. You can however change or supplement the quotation later on.

  • Quotation number same as project number and phase

    You can use this setting if you also work with project phases. You then create quotations with a number that is the same as the project code, followed by the code of the project phase. This makes it easy to retrieve the quotation but you can only create one quotation per project phase, which you can later change or supplement.


Manual numbering

If you want to determine the number for each quotation yourself you do not have to make any special settings. When you add a cost estimate you can enter the number yourself. The number has the meaning you assign to it.

To set up cost estimate numbering:

  1. Go to: Projects / Management / Settings / Project.
  2. Go to the tab: Projects.
  3. Select the Use validity combinations check box if you want Profit to check on validity combinations as you enter cost estimate and actual costing lines. If you do not select this check box, Profit only performs this check when you enter actual costing lines.
  4. Click on: OK.
Auto numbering

If the quotation number does not have a particular significance, you can set the numbering to increment automatically with a certain step size.

To set the automatic project numbering:

  1. Go to: General / Configuration / Numbering settings / Auto numbering.
  2. Open the properties of Cost estimate.
  3. Enter a value in Leader.

    If you want to use codes that always start with the same digits or letters, enter the fixed part of the code in this field. You can enter up to 5 digits and/or letters. For example, if you want to use codes that always start with the year, you can enter the current year in this field. If you want to use alphanumeric codes that start with a certain letter, you can specify the required letter here.

  4. In the Start value field, enter the first number of the number range you want to use.

    Each number that is assigned gets the maximum length. To achieve this, leading zeros can be placed in front of the number. The start value is increased by 1 for the next number to be assigned.

    The length of the start value depends on the value in the Total length field and whether you entered a leader. If you do not enter the maximum number of positions, zeros are placed in front of the number.


    Total length: 8

    Leader: P

    Start value: 0

    The next number is P0000001.

    If you want to start with P00001000, you enter 999 as the start value.

    Profit always numbers consecutively based on the last number assigned.


    Start value: 300.

    Sales orders are numbered 6000300 to 6000899. Number 60000700 is not in use because this invoice has been deleted from Profit.

    You change the start value to 400. If you add a sales order, it gets number 60000700.

  5. You can change the step size by entering the value the number must be increased with. By default, a step size of 1 is used.

    Example: Step size

    Step size:10

    Start value:10000

    Numbering: 10010, 10020, 10030, etc.

  6. Enter the total number of positions that can be used for the numbering. The maximum total length of a number is 9 positions.
  7. Select the Use auto numbering by default check box to apply auto numbering by default. You can always deviate from this later on by deselecting the Auto numbering check box in the relevant function. This is only allowed if you have selected the User may deviate check box.
  8. Select the Report generated number check box to report the automatically generated number. This message appears at the end of the wizard for adding data.
  9. Click on: OK.
Quotation number same as project number

With this setting you create quotations with a number that is the same as the project code. This makes it easy to retrieve the quotations but you can only create one quotation per project. After all, you can only create a quotation if there is no other quotation with the same number. You can however change or supplement the quotation later on.

To set up quotation numbers that are the same as project numbers:

  1. Go to: Projects / Management / Settings / Project.
  2. Go to the tab: Projects.
  3. Select the Quotation number same as project number check box.


    If you select this check box, the Cost estimate action button (F8) appears in the project properties. You use this button to add a cost estimate/quotation from a project.

  4. Select the Use validity combinations check box if you want Profit to check on validity combinations as you enter cost estimate and actual costing lines. If you do not select this check box, Profit only performs this check when you enter actual costing lines.
  5. Click on: OK.
Quotation number same as project number and phase

You can use this setting if you also work with project phases. You then create quotations with a number that is the same as the project code, followed by the code of the project phase. This makes it easy to retrieve the quotation but you can only create one quotation per project phase, which you can later change or supplement.

To set up quotation numbers that are the same as the project number and phase:

  1. Go to: Projects / Management / Settings / Project.
  2. Go to the tab: Projects.
  3. Select the Quotation number same as project number and phase check box.
  4. Select the Use validity combinations check box if you want Profit to check on validity combinations as you enter cost estimate and actual costing lines. If you do not select this check box, Profit only performs this check when you enter actual costing lines.
  5. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Configure cost estimates
  2. Authorise cost estimate
  3. Set up cost estimate entry layout start and end times
  4. Cost estimate numbering
  5. Set up the integration of Projects and Order management