From traffic fine (Financial) to employee wage entry (Payroll)

If you use the integration of actual costing and salary processing in Profit Projecten and Profit Payroll, you can also enter a purchase invoice using a project entry in Profit Financieel. In this case you enter these costs against an employee and Profit deducts them from the wages of the employee in question. If you link a wage component to the costs using the Integration Payroll action, you can automatically deduct the costs from the employee's wage.

You can for instance use this financial integration to enter the fine ('decision') received from the 'Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau' as a purchase invoice, and deduct the costs of the traffic fine from the employee's salary. Another example: an employee has dined at a restaurant and the bill was sent to your company. You can deduct this invoice from the employee's salary in the same way.

  • Configure a ledger account

    You add a ledger account on which the fines are to be entered, such as Boetes personeel. For this ledger account you specify if carrying forward is allowed or even mandatory, if you want to carry forward purchase invoices or costs from the financial administration.

  • Entry layout for actual costing

    You add the Employee field to the entry layout for the project entry (Profit Financieel).

  • Integration of actual costing and salary processing

    Before you can use the functionality to carry forward traffic fines as a project entry to a wage entry, you must, of course, have configured the Integratie nacalculatie en salarisverwerking functionality.

  • Configure a cost type

    You add a Boete cost type that you want to charge to your employee. Add the cost type via Projects / Item / Costs. You then link this cost type to a wage component using the Integration Payroll action, after which the costs can be deducted from the employee's wage.

  • Enter a traffic fine in Profit Financial and a wage entry for an employee in Profit Payroll

    If you use the integration of actual costing and salary processing in Profit Projecten and Profit Payroll, you can also enter a purchase invoice using a project entry in Profit Financieel. In this case you enter these costs against an employee and Profit deducts them from the wages of the employee in question.

  • Approve the actual costing for a traffic fine

    The manager assigned approves the actual costing lines in Profit Projecten.

  • Salary processing or reprocess an employee

    When the salary is processed the fine will be deducted from the wage of the employee in question. If necessary, you can reprocess this employee.

  • View the wage check cockpit

    Check the salary calculation for the employee in question.