Report an instalment ready

Before you can invoice an instalment, you must first report it ready.


You can undo the reported ready state afterwards by deselecting the Ready check box in the invoice instalment's properties.

Report the instalment(s) ready:

  1. Go to: Projects / Invoicing / Invoice instalment.
  2. Select the correct view, for example Not reported ready.
  3. Select the check box for the instalment that you want to report ready. You can select multiple lines at the same time.

    You can select at random by clicking on the Select button and choosing Select. You can also start the selection using the Ctrl+S key combination.

  4. Click on the action: Report ready.

    Profit selects the Ready check box and automatically enters the system date in Date ready.

  5. You can now invoice the instalment.

Directly to

  1. Instalment invoicing
  2. Set the authorisation
  3. authorise
  4. Configure an integration journal
  5. Add a project with instalment invoicing
  6. Add instalments
  7. Report an instalment ready
  8. Invoice instalments
  9. Change instalment invoices
  10. Journalise instalment invoices
  11. Additional work and charging on
  12. Link a project phase to an instalment