Journalise a project invoice

You journalise the invoices that you have generated in Profit Projecten and/or added manually to Profit Financieel. This way you journalise the costs and turnover, and generate outstanding items for debtors. Once the journalising is done, the integration with Profit Financieel prevents you from changing the invoices.

If you decide to journalise per project, Profit uses the description of the project in the invoice as the description in the daily statement, instead of the default description. Profit then saves this description during the integration with Profit Financieel.

A report is available for invoices carried forward to Profit Financieel: the daily statement. You van print this daily statement at a later stage.


In order to journalise, you need the correct integration data. You must also make sure that the master data in the financial environment has been entered correctly.

You can record allocation links for the integration of allocations with Profit Financieel. The link is used to register the revenue entries from the invoices in Profit Financieel per cost centre (product, department, etc.), giving you more insight and consequently options for adjustments. You record the allocation links by selecting General / Configuration / Integration settings / Allocation link.

Pro_Projecten journaliseren (10)

To view the error information for the queue task:

  • Go to: General / Management / Queue.
  • Select the task in which the error occurred.
  • Click on the action: Error information.



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