Configure project invoicing

You have to configure a number of settings first before you can use Profit Projecten to invoice. You also have to configure the integration with Profit Financial.



For the configuration of the project invoicing, you use data from Profit General and Profit Financial. We assume that you have already set up this basic configuration in Profit.

The layout of the project invoice can be changed, meaning that you can specify which information will be printed on the invoice. You can also indicate how the invoice lines must be grouped on the invoice and you can select to have the invoice lines compressed. You can use various layouts, that can be used per sales contact or per project.

You record the layout you want to use for printing the project invoices in the sales contact profile. Per sales contact, you can select a sales contact profile.

Multiple administrations

Based on the Administration field of a project, Profit determines in which administration invoicing and journalising is performed.

In addition to this, it is also important to know which sales journal is set in General / Configuration / Integration settings / Integration type in the properties of the integration type for invoices. The integration type is created for each administration.

If you work with WIP in the project administration, you cannot enter or change the Administration field, neither in the project properties, nor in the project group.


  • Authorise project invoicing

    Configure the authorisation of this section, so that the right users have access to the required functions and data.

  • General project invoicing settings

    You configure a number of general settings for project invoicing.

  • Set a project for project invoicing

    For a project, you set a sales contact and the charge setting for the project invoicing. In addition, you can set invoicing at the project level by using the Invoice separately field.

  • Set a project for project invoicing with a deviating VAT rate group

    You configure these settings if you want to set a deviating VAT rate group for a project and the invoicing. This might be necessary, for example if you have multiple projects for one sales contact/debtor and a different VAT rate is used for each of the projects.

  • Project invoice numbering

    You set the numbering of the project invoices so that Profit can determine the invoice numbers automatically.

  • Add a project invoice journal

    You add a journal for journalising the projects. You also link the counter for the project invoices to the journal.

  • Add ledger accounts for project journalising

    Add the ledger accounts that you need in the article groups, integration types and integration accounts for journalising the invoices to Profit Financieel.

  • Configure the journalising of project invoices

    For journalising invoices in Profit Financieel, you specify how Profit must determine the ledger accounts on which you want to enter turnover amounts. You can determine the calculation basis for these entries yourself. You should also specify certain settings if you work with multiple financial administrations.

  • Set the report layout for project invoices

    When a project invoice is printed, Profit determines which layout should be printed. To do this, Profit uses a hierarchy of the different reports that may have been configured.

  • Configure a sales contact profile for project invoicing

    In a sales contact profile you can specify a number of settings which apply to the sales contacts that are linked (or will be linked) to the profile. You specify settings for journalising invoices and you link the reports that Profit should use for the order process and invoicing.

  • Configure a sales contact/debtor for project invoicing

    For the sales contact you specify some project invoicing settings, such as VAT duty, if necessary a deviating sales contact profile and the preferred method for issuing the invoices.

  • Set manual project invoicing for multiple administrations

    Change the entry layout of the project invoice if you want to be able to invoice in multiple administrations when adding project invoices manually.

  • Split domestic and international VAT duty invoicing

    In Profit, you can specify that when journalising the revenues from invoices, the revenue must be split by VAT duty to distinguish, for example, between domestic and international turnover. For the integration of the invoices with Profit Financieel, Profit then enters the revenue per VAT duty on a separate ledger account. You then specify these ledger accounts for the integration of the VAT duty in an article group and/or an integration group.

  • 'G'-account in projects

    Use this functionality if you have to transfer specific amounts to the 'G'-accounts of your creditors. This is (usually) required in the context of the Dutch 'Wet Ketenaansprakelijkheid'.

Also see