Purchase invoice

In Profit Order management, you can generate purchase invoices based on the goods receipts.


This method of working deviates from the usual process in the Netherlands. After all, the usual way is to enter a purchase invoice from a purchase contact and then reconcile it with your own goods receipt and journalise it.


In Profit Order management, you can generate purchase invoices based on goods receipts. As soon as you receive the purchase contact’s purchase invoice, you compare it with your own purchase invoice and then you journalise your own purchase invoice. In this, it is important that your purchase prices match the purchase contact’s prices. You must first activate this functionality.

You can use this, for example, if you invoice between your own companies. In Belgium, self-generated purchase invoices are often used.

You generate the purchase invoice straight after you complete the goods receipts, after which you can issue them and place them in the purchase contact's dossier. You can also do this later if you prefer.

Depending on the settings for the purchase contacts and the goods receipt, purchase invoices can/cannot be generated.



Also see