Promotional price (purchase)

You add the promotional price as the basic promotional price for your items. Profit adds the promotional prices to the basic price list delivered as default.



In the price level structure, the promotional price has the third priority. This means that if prices are recorded at a higher level, for example a promotional price in a price list, then this price has priority over the promotional price.

The promotional prices are always added to the basic price list that is available as a default in Profit.

The wizard for adding a promotional price is the same whether you are adding a promotional price or adding a promotional price to the price list or adding a price agreement at the purchase contact level,

You maintain promotional prices using the Profit entry program. This provides an overview of existing promotional prices and you can change existing promotional prices or add new promotional prices quickly and easily.


  • Configuration

    As a deviation from the default, you can specify that a discount is subtracted directly from the price before it is multiplied with Number.


  • Add a promotional price

    If you add a promotional price, you enter the item, the unit, the currency and the start and end date for the promotional price. You have the option to calculate the promotional price, to enter a price yourself or to add a volume price. You can also set up how a discount is handled.

  • Maintain a promotional price

    You can also maintain promotional prices using an entry layout. You then have an overview of (a selection of) all current (promotional) prices and you can add new (promotional) prices directly. This gives you the option to add multiple (promotional) prices from within one window, the entry layout.

  • Add a recurring promotional price

    Sometimes a specific promotion recurs on a weekly basis. You can use the Recurring promotional price action to copy promotional prices and discounts very easily.

Also see