Allow partial deliveries to a sales contact

You set the delivery of partial deliveries (backorders) per sales contact.. You have the following options:

  • Allow short-supply

    If you select this option, order lines are partially delivered if there is insufficient stock. Profit transfers the part that you cannot deliver to a backorder. Profit delivers the backorder as soon as stock is available to deliver a part of the order line. This process is repeated until the sales order has been delivered in full.

  • Deliver line completely

    Using this option, Profit delivers order lines in full, but Profit is allowed to deliver the order in parts. If there is insufficient stock to deliver a line in full, Profit transfers the entire line to a backorder. Profit delivers the line in full as soon as there is sufficient stock again. This process is repeated until the sales order has been delivered in full.

  • Deliver order completely

    Using this option, Profit always delivers orders in full. Partial deliveries are therefore not allowed. If there is insufficient stock to deliver the order in full, Profit transfers the entire order to a backorder. Profit delivers the order in full as soon as there is sufficient stock again.

  • Do not deliver backorders

    If you select this option, backorders are not allowed. If there is insufficient stock, the order lines are not delivered and you cannot complete the order. In that case you will see a message that there is insufficient stock.


Sales contact delivery condition

A customer orders 15 units of article A and 10 units of article B. You have 12 units of article A in stock and 18 units of article B.

Below you will find what happens using the different delivery conditions:

Delivery condition

Order (reservation)

Packing slip (delivery)


Allow short-supply

A:15, B:10

A:12, B:10

A:3, B:0

Deliver line completely

A:15, B:10

A:0, B:10

A:15, B:0

Deliver order completely

A:15, B:10

A:0, B:0

A:15, B:10

Using the Short-supply option, Profit delivers everything that is in stock. Profit transfers the rest to a backorder. In this example it concerns 3 units of article A.

Using the Deliver line completely option, Profit delivers all lines that can be delivered in full. In this example only the line for article B can be delivered in full. Profit transfers the line for article A to a backorder in its entirety until you can deliver it.

Using the Deliver order completely option, Profit only delivers complete orders. In this example you cannot deliver the order in full. Profit puts the complete order on backorder until the order can be delivered completely.

By using multiple priorities, you can give certain customers precedence when delivering backorders.

To allow short-supply per sales contact:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Sales / Sales contact.
  2. Open the properties of the sales contact.
  3. Go to the tab: Invoicing.
  4. Select Allow short-supply in Delivery conditions. For the backorder function this could, for example, be Allow short-supply.
  5. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Backorder configuration
  2. Allow partial deliveries per sales contact
  3. Set up an article for backorders
  4. Deviate from the delivery condition per entry layout