Set up work type for displaying actual costing in Profit Calendar

Configure each work type where Profit has to integrate the actual costing and display it in Profit Calendar.

Set up work type for displaying actual costing in Profit Calendar:

  1. Go to: Projects / Item / Work type.  
  2. Select the work type.
  3. Go to: the Extra tab.
  4. Select the Actual costing to calendar check box.
  5. Repeat this for each work type for which you want to show the actual costing lines in the employee’s or user’s Profit Calendar.

Directly to

  1. Configure integration between Profit Calendar and Actual Costing
  2. Activate integration between Profit Calendar and Actual Costing
  3. Configure the actual costing per line entry layout for integration with Profit Calendar
  4. entry layout
  5. Set up projects
  6. Set up work types