Check a data collection

You check the output of a data collection. Here, you see the output based on the fields you added and after application of any filter that has been set.


For some data collections with pre-entry, you cannot retrieve an example. This is the case with the Employee/occupancy data collection, for instance.

To check a data collection:

  1. Go through the data collection wizard.
  2. Click on: Example.

    Profit shows a view with the lines that meet the filter criteria.

Use the quick filter to gain a better understanding of the lines shown. Click on the number of lines to see the total number of lines.

Directly to

  1. Data collections
  2. Check the authorisation
  3. Select a data collection
  4. Specify a field set
  5. Presentation of fields
  6. Calculations on fields
  7. Aggregate data
  8. Apply a filter
  9. Check a data collection