Add a data collection

Determine which data collection you need based on your information requirements.

When you add an analysis or report, you select a data collection. In the case of an analysis, you can then add other data collections. The below example shows how you can add an analysis.

You can also copy existing content, such as an existing analysis, but in that case you are stuck with the data collections already linked. If you delete a data collection, you also lose a part of the analysis.


You want to create a report of outstanding items for debtors. You have two options for this:

  • Copy the Outstanding debtor items by number (Profit) report. This report is based on the Outstanding items debtors data collection. You can only use fields from this data collection; you cannot link other data collections.
  • You add a new report. Here, you can choose between various data collections with outstanding items for debtors.

To add an analysis:

  1. Go to:General / Output / Management / Analysis.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Select based on a data collection.
  4. Select the first data collection.

    App_Gegevensverzameling selecteren - nieuw

  5. Review the comments and the other data to make the correct choice. The difference between the indications 'incl. authorisation' and 'excl. authorisation' is explained below this procedure.
  6. Click on: Next.
  7. Enter the description.
  8. The remaining fields are important for the authorisation.
  9. Click on: Next.

    You see the added data collection.


    An analysis can refer to multiple data collections, but only one data collection can use pre-entry.

  10. Add the other data collections.

    This can only be done for analyses, not for reports or alerts, for example.

    App_Gegevensverzameling selecteren - nieuw

  11. Continue to configure the data collections and check if they yield the correct records. Please refer to the separate comments.
  12. Click on: Next.
  13. Click on: Finish.

The analysis is opened in Microsoft Excel.

Data collection including or excluding authorisation

Certain data collections have the indication 'incl. authorisation' or 'excl. authorisation'.

This tells you whether filter authorisation is applied to the data collection:

  • excl. authorisation

    No filter authorisation is applied For an analysis, this means that all records from the data collection are shown in the analysis.

  • incl. authorisation

    Filter authorisation is applied. For an analysis, this means that it will only contain records that the user is allowed to view based on the authorisation.


    You have set an authorisation filter so that each manager can view the data of their own subordinates. All employees can view their own data. For an analysis based on a data collection including authorisation, the effect is:

  • If a manager views the analysis, he sees his own data and the data of the people he manages.
  • If an employee views the analysis, he sees his own data.

Current data (specific to HR) or all data

For every employee historical data is present in Profit HR, for example the contract and salary history. The contract history contains the employee's contracts from the date of the start of employment, the salary history contains all salary changes.

For example:

  • Data collection Employee/contracts

    All contracts per employee, including historical contracts.

    App_Gegevensverzameling selecteren - nieuw

  • Data collection Employee (Current data incl. authorisation)

    One record (contract) per employee, only current data.

Directly to

  1. Data collections
  2. Check the authorisation
  3. Select a data collection
  4. Specify a field set
  5. Presentation of fields
  6. Calculations on fields
  7. Aggregate data
  8. Apply a filter
  9. Check a data collection