Configure alerts for a group of recipients

You can send an alert to the members of a user group from the Authorisation tool. The alert is sent to the users who are members of the user group when the alert is generated.


Your company sends birthday alerts to all employees. That is why you set the All Profit users user group as the destination for the alert in question.

Your company has one vehicle fleet manager. Add the Wagenparkbeheerder group in the Authorisation tool. Link this manager to the group and then link the vehicle fleet alerts to this group.


If you link an alert to the All Profit users user group, then all Profit users will receive the alert. The alerts that are supplied with Profit are linked to the All Profit users user group by default. Therefore, modify this before generating alerts.

Configure alerts to a group of recipients:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Alert / Definition.
  2. Open the alert that you want to link to a user group.
  3. Go to the tab: Destination.
  4. Click on: New
  5. Select User group in Destination type.
  6. Select how you want to send the alert in Communication type.
  7. Select the user group in Group.
  8. Select a user group in Backup destination. The members of this user group receive a warning in one of the following circumstances:
    • The user group selected in Alert destination is empty. Select a filled user group.
    • The data collection does not work. Adjust the data collection.
    • There is no user with a Work e-mail address although the alert is communicated by e-mail only (E-mail only (via person’s work E-mail) selected for the Communication type option). Enter the e-mail address in the personal details for these users or select another type of communication.
  9. Click on: Finish

Directly to

  1. Configure alert recipients
  2. Configure alerts for a group of recipients
  3. user group
  4. Configure alerts to a management executive
  5. Configure data collection alert destination field
  6. Configure alerts based on responsibility
  7. Configure alerts based on split responsibility
  8. Configure substitutes as alert recipients
  9. Configure an alert for starting a workflow