Configure alerts to a management executive

Profit can generate an alert for the management executive of the department (organisational unit) that an employee belongs to. An organisational unit can have multiple managers but only one management executive.

If an organisational unit does not have a management executive, Profit will search for a management executive at a higher level.

If you designate another management executive in the organisation chart, Profit will only implement this change in relation to alerts after the update of current data.

Configure alerts to a group of recipients:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Alert / Definition.
  2. Open the alert that you want to link to the management executive.
  3. Go to the tab: Destination.
  4. Click on: New
  5. Select Field from data collection in Destination type.
  6. Add the manager to the data collection:
    1. Click on: Modify (in the Data collection box).
    2. Locate the Manager field and add it to the data collection. You can add all of this field or one of the components.
    3. Click on Next several times and then click on Finish to complete the wizard.
  7. Select the added field in Field in the Alert destination box.
  8. Click on: Finish

Directly to

  1. Configure alert recipients
  2. Configure alerts for a group of recipients
  3. user group
  4. Configure alerts to a management executive
  5. Configure data collection alert destination field
  6. Configure alerts based on responsibility
  7. Configure alerts based on split responsibility
  8. Configure substitutes as alert recipients
  9. Configure an alert for starting a workflow