Configure substitutes as alert recipients

Per employee, you can specify a substitute who takes over the tasks in case of leave or absence. This substitute can also be a destination in the absence of an alert recipient. Using this method, the alert is sent to the substitute of an absent employee. You cannot send an alert to the substitute for the manager of the absent employee.

Carefully consider which alerts you want to have sent to a substitute!


Configure substitute as destination

The substitute can also get the authorisation of the absent employee This is only possible for authorisation based on groups that are filled based on a selection.

The employees often work in the same department as their manager. An alert for the employees goes to the manager, but the alert for the manager has to go to higher management. In that case, use the split responsibility.

Perform the same steps as in Alerts based on responsibilities.

Add alert destination to substitute:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Alert / Definition.
  2. Open the alert you want to link to the substitute.
  3. Go to the tab: Destination.
  4. Click on: New.
  5. Select Field from data collection in Destination type. Add the manager to the data collection:
    1. Click on: Modify (in the Data collection frame).
    2. Find the Manager field and add it to the data collection. You can add all of this field or one of the components.
    3. Click on Next several times and then click on Finish to complete the wizard.
  6. Select the added field in Field in the Alert destination frame.
  7. Click on: Finish.
  8. Add another alert destination.
  9. Select Field from data collection in Destination type.
  10. Change the data collection:
    1. Click on: Modify in the Data collection box.
    2. Find the Current substitute field in the Current employee details category and add it to the data collection.

    3. Click on Next several times and then click on Finish to complete the wizard.
  11. Select Current substitute in Field.
  12. Click on: Finish.
Substitute via authorisation group

You can also use the members of an authorisation group as a destination. If this is configured for substitution, then an alert will also go to the substitute if necessary.

Directly to

  1. Configure alert recipients
  2. Configure alerts for a group of recipients
  3. user group
  4. Configure alerts to a management executive
  5. Configure data collection alert destination field
  6. Configure alerts based on responsibility
  7. Configure alerts based on split responsibility
  8. Configure substitutes as alert recipients
  9. Configure an alert for starting a workflow