Test an alert

You can test an alert to make sure it is sent to the correct users and to see if the text is linguistically correct.

Test alerts are generated and shown in a view, but they are not shown to InSite users.


Profit generates test alerts for each destination and in all languages included in the licence. Languages actually recorded for the alerts, are not taken into account. That is why the Test alerts view can show languages that you have not recorded for the alerts.

When you generate actual alerts, Profit does take into account the languages recorded for each alert.

In the following situations no test alerts are generated:

  • The alert is only sent by e-mail (the Communication type field has the value E-mail only (via person’s work E-mail)).
  • The alert only has Workflow as destination.

You can resolve this by temporarily adding an extra destination. Make sure that the alert is sent to a user group. Delete the extra destination immediately after the test.

To test an alert:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Alert / Definition.
  2. Open the alert.

    You can also test an alert if it is blocked.

  3. Go to: Actions (F8)Generate test alert.
  4. Confirm you want to generate a test alert.

Test all alerts:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Alert / Test.
  2. Confirm you want to generate all alerts.

See also:

Directly to

  1. Generate alerts
  2. Test the alert
  3. Solutions for test alerts
  4. Generate alerts from Profit