Resolve alerts test messages

This subject describes common situations and solutions.

After the alerts have been tested via Generate test alert or the Test menu option, you could encounter the following:

  • Problem: Generated alerts view is empty.

    Cause: The event does not occur in the period that falls between today and the value in Number of days before and Number of days after. For example, there are no anniversaries between today minus 5 days and plus 5 days.

    Solution: Temporarily set a large value in the Number of days before and Number of days after fields to be able to test the alert, 100 before and 100 after for example. After testing, restore the value to the original value.

  • Problem: Generated alerts view is empty.

    Cause: There are no employees in the user group linked to the alert.

    Solution: Put employees in the user group.

    Communication type cannot be set to E-mail only (via person’s work E-mail), because in that case no test alerts will be generated (you would normally use this setting to send alerts to e-mail recipients).

  • Problem: Generated alerts is empty.

    Cause: The filter that you have set does not yield any results.

    Solution: Open the data collection and retrieve an example of it. If this example does not contain any data, modify the filter so that data can be seen here.

  • Problem: Cannot enter a value in the Number of days before and Number of days after fields.

    Cause: The alert type is not equal to Date. This field can only be completed for this alert type.

    Solution: Select Date under alert type.

Users in the group that is selected under Backup destination in the alert could receive the following warnings:

  • The user group selected in Alert destination is empty.

    Solution: Select a filled user group.

  • The data collection does not work.

    Solution: Adjust the data collection.

  • There is no user with Work e-mail address although the alert is communicated by e-mail only ('By e-mail only' is set under the Communication type option).

    Solution: Enter the e-mail addresses or select another communication type. As the sender, use a valid e-mail address or an e-mail address with a valid domain.