Record alert course

The alert course determines when an alert is displayed. In the case of an alert on a date, the alert is displayed on the relevant date (or a few days before and after). In the case of an alert on data, the alert is displayed if a specific situation occurs.


Alert on date

This is an alert that is generated when an event occurs on a specific date and you want to receive a message when this date is approaching or has just passed.


You want to be alerted when there has been no contact with the customer by phone for more than six months. This alert is based on a date. You can have this alert generated a few days in advance and/or after the event.

To configure the alert progress for an alert based on a date:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Alert / Definition.
  2. Open the properties of the alert.
  3. Go to the tab: General.
  4. Select Alert based on date in Alert type.
  5. Select a reference date.
  6. Decide how many days before and after the event the alert should be generated. When you complete these fields, you must add alert texts for the alerts that are displayed before and after the reference date.
    1. Complete the Number of days before field.
    2. If applicable, complete the Number of days after field also.


    You create an alert for birthdays of the employees. The alert must be shown five days before the birthday of an employee and must remain visible until 3 days after the birthday.

    You add a date-based alert and enter 5 in Number of days before and 3 in Number of days after.

  7. Click on: OK
Alert on data (default course)

An alert is generated when a field contains a specific value, or if the value of a field falls between an upper and lower limit. The alert is removed automatically if the value of the field no longer matches the values that you have set.


You want to receive an alert if a debtor has outstanding items above € 10,000 or as long as this balance is between € 8,000 and € 10,000.

Configure alert course for an alert based on data:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Alert / Definition.
  2. Open the properties of the alert.
  3. Go to the tab: General.
  4. Select Alert based on data (normal history) in Alert type.
  5. Click on: OK
Alert on data (deviating course)

This alert is generated when a field contains a specific value, and the alert has to be removed if another field contains a specific value.


Suppose that you want to receive an alert as long as an employee is sick and this alert is removed when the employee has recovered. This alert is based on data with a deviating course. This alert is created as soon as the start date of an absence entry for an employee is less than or equal to today and is removed as soon as the end date for this employee is less than or equal to today.

Configure the alert course for an alert based on data with a deviating course:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Alert / Definition.
  2. Open the properties of the alert.
  3. Go to the tab: General.
  4. Select Alert based on data (deviating history) in Alert type.
  5. Click on: OK

Directly to

  1. Change alerts
  2. Change a data collection
  3. Record the alert progress
  4. Record a comparison value
  5. Add alert text
  6. Configure the alert destination
  7. Send an automatic e-mail message for an alert