Change alerts

You can only change alerts if you are authorised to do so. This is only possible for alerts that you have added, not for the default alerts supplied.


  • Change a data collection

    An alert is based on a data collection. This subject is a general overview of the application of the fields in the data collection.

  • Record the alert progress

    The alert course determines when an alert is displayed. In the case of an alert on a date, the alert is displayed on the relevant date (or a few days before and after). In the case of an alert on data, the alert is displayed if a specific situation occurs.

  • Record a comparison value

    An alert must always relate to unique data, or a unique combination of data. To achieve this, set the comparison value for the alert.

  • Add alert text

    The alert text is the message that is displayed to the user when the alert occurs.

  • Configure the alert destination

    The Destination of an alert determines which users receive the alert.

  • Send an automatic e-mail message for an alert

    Profit can send an e-mail automatically to those who receive an alert. This may useful if users don’t consult InSite on a daily basis.

Also see